Admit It: You Have No Marketing Budget

For marketing to be efficient, you have to effectively define the audience you want to reach. You want to speak to as broad a market as you need but as narrow a market as you can. That can start with simple demographic characteristics like age, sex, and income.

8 Marketing Terms Business Owners Must Know

If you’re like most small-business owners, you spend your day providing a great customer experience that sets you apart from your competition. The quality of your service is key now that digital word of mouth is the most effective form of advertising.

6 Signs You Need a Mobile Website Now

The mobile world is here, having arrived in 2014. It has been marked by the fact that there are now more Americans using mobile devices than desktops. Plus, the majority of consumers research products and services on their mobile devices before making a purchase.

4 Tips to Hone Your Content Marketing Strategy

As any marketing professional or firm will tell you, it is no longer difficult or necessary to SELL clients and agencies on content marketing strategies highlighted by targeted blog posts, short videos and whitepapers busting with statistics.

11 Marketing Trends To Watch For In 2015

The fundamentals of marketing are always going to be the same, but with the landscape changing at the speed of technology, what matters most now is how one activates the fundamentals.

New Rules for Digital Marketing

In the digital era, marketing for financial advisors has a new set of rules.

“The world has shifted from outbound to inbound marketing techniques,” Craig Faulkner, founder of digital marketing firm FMG Suite, told the audience at Schwab’s Impact conference here.

“Advisors still need to go out and meet people,” he said. “But they also need people to want to come to them in the digital world.”

Faulkner spoke Thursday at a conference session titled “Four Steps to Inbound Marketing Success: Leveraging Digital Media to Acquire Clients.”